Ford Repair: 92 Topaz right side Cv axle removel, speedometer gear, cv axle

Ive been trying to remove the right side Cv joint but have come across where the Cv joint is connected to the transaxle. I have taken off the trans pan thinking there is a roll pin or a alen screw in the shaft holding the side gear and spyder gears in place. Reason for being disasembled is a plastic gear found in the trans pan about 2 too 3 inches in diamitor beleaved to be the speedometer gear. Noticing that the goverenor gear has also been damaged and would have to be replaced. How do I get the roll pin out if thats whats holding the shaft in place? Also does it sound like i know what Im doing ?

I won't comment on anything related to what you know about what you are doing. It is obvious to me who has been down this road before and who hasn't. I don't mind helping, but I hate to see anyone get hurt either.

To get the axle out, can I assume you have the wheel end apart? If so, then all you need is a prybar of some kind to pop the axle out of the trans. Put the bar behind the CV joint next to the trans and give it a quick pop, should come right out.