Ford Repair: wont run, seat van, 1989 ford f150

The local ford shops would not/ could not help me.

There can basically be only one real problem with these specific problems, I have been ordered to get rid of it-- move it.

1989 Ford F150 van with straight 6 cylinder.
Sat for 2 years but I went out and started it all winter for few minutes.

It has some fire going to plugs.,,,it wont hit / fire once.

I can put 3 or 4 new plugs and it will take off, runs rough an slow, will rev 3500-5000.

runs for 10 - 20 min then starts loosing cylinders can allmost count them dieing,

will crank fast and 1 cyl may try to go but wide open only as fast as starter cranks.

clean plugs, still not one fire.

put 3-4 new plugs and will take off for same routine all over again.

Im broke and need to sell it and pay rent.
all 15 plugs look good except oily-- but then I tried starting for 10 minutes too after it they should haveit on them.

put $5 gas in 3 times and 1/2 can stp cleaner, the jet fuel type.
its the 4 capt chair + rear seat van thats used to be expensive, cant just give it away, its got new radiator and good tires. really need to just get it going an sell
I have $950 in it an never drove it,had it for spare

I really believe theresonly one thing to cause this,auto zone guy said put newwires then start changingall the sensors,  thats more I have an moreI can sell for.

         T COOP

Don't believe anything Autozone tells you, they are parts salesman, not mechanics.

Are you sure the engine is getting fuel?

With the age and potential mileage on this vehicle the timing chain may have slipped, causing poor compression and the types of symptoms you are describing. Or a plugged exhaust can keep the engine from running and eventually cause it to die. A code check is a good thing to do too before you start buying parts hoping to fix it.