QuestionI have 1990 full size bronco that seems to have problem after
problem. The newest one is my fault, I was tighting a amp cable
to my starter solenoid and snapped it in half.So i went and
bought a new one but while taking off the old i didnt disconnect
the battery it arked and sparked pretty good and now with the
new one installed it makes a fast clicking noise.Ive checked all
my fuses and the electrical tester shows im getting power on
one side but not the side that runs to the starter.It only clicks
when the cable for the altinator is hooked up.I tried touching my
starter cable to my battery and got nothing.So im wondering
what i fried when i arched cables.It started fine before all this
AnswerApparently you have now learned the first rule of auto electrical work-disconnect the battery!
You have me confused a bit. I don't quite understand what connecting the alternator has to do with the starter relay clicking. Maybe can clarify that for me. If the positive cable arced to ground, you could have damaged a number of things. Maybe even damaged the plates in the battery. A damaged battery could still show voltage but not operate the starter due to the high amperage load. The fast clicking nosie sounds like a bad connection. Check the battery connections and clean them if needed. Check the ground cable connection on the motor too, might have melted that terminal off the cable.
Good luck