Ford Repair: Door window 2001 mustang, auto glass repair, j b weld
Question The left door glass, electric windows, on my 2001 Mustang pulled out of the rear bracket. I used J-B Weld to reattach it, as I have on my 1988 Cougar which worked fine. It lasted about 6 months. I took it apart again & checked further. It seems that the motor is traveling too far after the window reachs it's stop causing the glass to pull out? Is there a mechanical stop or an electrical limit in the motor that would cause this?
AnswerIf the glass pulled out of the bottom bracket, the only effective fix I have seen for that is done by auto glass repair shops. This bracket is pop riveted to the regulator, if that has come loose it can be riveted back in place. Does the glass tilt at the top of it's travel?
There is an up stop, and the bolt is visable thru a hole in the inner door sheetmetal. Some fords have a bolt on top of the door. This can be adjusted for travel, but may notbe your problem. If you have the door panel off should be easy to tell what is loose. The stop adjustments are rarely needed unless something has been replaced.