Ford Repair: 82 bronco just quit, ford bronco, inner fender
Question Hi Dennis I'm hoping you can help me, I have a 82 ford bronco w/302 motor 5.0 liter manual transmission
it was running fine one day died and just won't start up again I tried a new battery seulnoid distributor cap and rotor it sounds like it just isn't catching the starter engages it just won't fire up,(I think that's the word I'm looking for) I'm thinking it might need new plugs and wires some one suggested the fuel filter or fuel pump I just don't want to keep wasting money on things I might not need PLEASE HELP ME
AnswerFirst it would be good to make sure there is fuel being delivered. Are you doing this work yourself? This engine should be carbureted, not fuel injected.
The other item to check is for spark. Plugs and wires will not cause it not to start at all, unless the coil wire is burnt or damaged. One easy test is to find the ignition module, usually on the inner fender panel. It is about 6" square and aluminum. Tap on this part lightly while someone tries to start the engine, if it then starts you will need a new module. If it does't then the test become more technical. Let me know what you find.