Ford Repair: 1995 Ford T-Bird Door Stuck and AC, ford thunderbird, 1995 ford thunderbird
QuestionI have a 1995 Ford Thunderbird. First of all, my passenger door is stuck, as you know, these cars have pretty large doors. First the lock was just stuck down, but it still would lock and unlock w/the automatic locks, then the door would only open if the driver would open it from the inside and also when it would open, the inner part of the door would kind of stick like it was going to almost break off, but would just open. Now all of the sudden it will not open at all, when the passenger pulls the handle inside, it just pulls and you can't feel anything happening, and on the outside it feels normal when you pull the handle, but will not open. This is bad news b/c now all passengers have to climb in and out of the window. Also, my air conditioning does not work anymore. Originally I got it fixed and it was great and blew out really cold air, but sort of smelled like a barn, then one day it started blowing out warm air. Please give me advice on these problems asap. Thank you so much.
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
You're going to have to remove the door panel and look inside to find the door lock/latch problem. It sounds like the rods have broken.
As far as the AC goes.......get it checked for leaks and have them repaired.