Ford Repair: Catallytic Converter, 2000 chevy cavalier, chevy cavalier
I know you specialize in Ford but maybe you can help me. I own a 2000 Chevy Cavalier with only 57K miles on it. Recently I had a plug wire fall off, which triggered the "check Engine" light to come on. Since I fixed the problem, the light went off, then came back on even though the car is running fine. I brought it to a friend who owns a mechanic shop. He ran a diagnostic which said that cylinder three was misfiring (of course because the wire fell off). He then reset the chip so the check engine light went off. One week later it comes on again so I bring it in to him again. Now the code comes up as "Catalyst insufficient...under threshold" or something to that's telling me I need a new catallytic converter! The car runs fine, smells fine, and has no noticeable loss of it's not that old. Why does this code keep coming up? When should I be concerned?
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
I would ALWAYS be concerned when the Check Engine light is on. That is telling you that there is something that needs your attention ASAP.
As for the code itself:
I would take it to a GM repair shop or at the very least, a person specializing in GM repairs.