Ford Repair: Brake pads and rotors, bankston ford, ford expedition
QuestionI have a 2003 ford expedition - and it has less than 30,000 miles on it - we took it in for service yesterday to Bankston Ford and $600.00 later they said I had to replace the brake pads and rotors... I did not know to ask for the old parts but I just cant believe I already needed to replace the rotors... After some research I see - maybe they should have been turned but not replaced - what do you think???
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
First off............ALWAYS get your old parts back.'s a state law in MA, for the garage to keep the old parts for 30 days. is possible for the pads to be shot, but I would still ask to see the parts and IF they have a problem showing you them, I would talk to a lawyer.