Ford Repair: 1997 ford explorer sport, ford explorer sport, coolant level

hi  i have a 1997 ford explorer sport with automatic,i have 225000kms with a 4.0l(reguarly maintained)
it ran very well always and just one morning ran like like someone mixxed up my firing order idles a little rough but when driven spits and sputters (lake of power) so i took it in for a computor test
codes mensioned egr valve only so it was replaced
so we reset codes and tried again
still run like its misfiring or somthing but
the computor says its ok.
now i have replaced pcv valve ,plugs and wires
getting costly any idea's

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
With out codes or seeing the read out of a scan tool, there isn't much I'll be able to help you with or say.
One thing you might want to check is the coolant level.........make sure that the head gasket or cylinder head isn't cracked or blown........causing a misfire.