QuestionHi Erik,I have a 92Ford E150 van,5.0.automatic.On a recent trip back to Mass.from Fla.I got stuck in traffic in Atlanta.When traffic started to move,I could not!The van backfired when I pressed the gas,and just sat there.Thinking it was the tranny,had it towed to S.C.where a friend lived.When it was taken off the truck at the tranny shop,it ran fine.He said he thought it probably overheated.But it never lost any fluid nor did it steam!Had them drop the tranny anyway,it was in perfect shape.Drove it around for a few days,seemed fine so I proceeded on the trip home.A few hundred miles up the road the van would accelerate out of control,and the only way to stop it was to put it in neutral and press the gas as hard as I could.Then another problem started.When I would press the gas around 45 to go faster,it would bogg down like it wanted to stall,and once again I would hear that backfirig sound.Cannot go over 45mph because it won't pick up speed.Made it back,but it continues to bogg down and won't go.I've talked to a few people,one thinks the head is warped,another says injectors are clogged,or timing is off,or computer is gone.Had the cruise control disconnected.Pedal only stuck once since.Before all of this started happening the only thing I had done to it was,plugs,exhaust system,gas filter.Do you think it is possible the plug wires were not put back correctly,causing this problem?Any input you might have would help me greatly.Thanks,hope to hear from you.
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
It sounds like you might have a few problems going on. I would check the firing order and also do a computer scan for fault codes. Since you are in MA, if you are close to Cape Cod, I'll be happy to look at it for you.