Ford Repair: Ford cruise control, brake master cylinder, 2002 mazda b3000
QuestionI own a 2002 Mazda B3000 truck, which is your basic Ford Ranger in disguise. My question concerns the cruise control deactivation switch that is mounted on the brake master cylinder. As far I can tell this is the same as the switches that are now being discussed as FIRE hazards. I have not gotten any straight answers from Mazda or Ford because there is no recall on my truck. My question is this. The circuit going to this switch is always hot/live, even with the ignition off. Can I rewire this switch to be live only when the ignition is on, and if so, what would be the best source of power? Also, could I just wire a toggle switch into the line and shut the power off manually?
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
yes, the circuit is live all the time. I wouldn't suggest ANY modifications to the wiring in your truck for the following reason:
IF by some chance your truck is involved in a fire and the cause of it is the brake pedal switch......Ford/Mazda will not be held liable for the damage because the wiring was tampered with.
If Ford/Mazda says that your truck isn't involved in the recall.....leave it alone.
Hope this helps,