Ford Repair: noise from wheels, breakes, break pads

A short time ago I replaced my master cylinder on my 1989 Ford Econo Van; the surface of the cylinder itself was leaking out of a corner and I could not correct the problem.  I was not able to bleed the cylinder itself, no vice at home and no method to bleed the cylinder.  At any rate, with the help of my wife I attempted to bleed the breakes, starting from the wheel further from the drivers seet (right rear), the the (Left) wheel, then the (right) front and so on.  After several attempts the best I could do was to get breakes that were jerky and the break peddle is very weak.  Consequently, I am now experiencing a harsh grinding, rubbing noise from my right front, and possible right rear wheels.  Some say that the bearings are going out, some say the break pads need replacement, and some insist that what I need is to properly bleed the breakes (strange how those who volunteer to help me, never show up when the work is to be done).  Please comment on what you think the problem(s) may be.  I am no mechanic, but will have to do the work myself; I will appreciate any advice you can give.  Thank You,  Randall Maestas.
[email protected]

Its possible your brake pads are worn and grinding on the rotors. I would suggest, jacking up the vehicle and inspect them. If your bearings are bad, you will get a loud howling from the right/left front tires. I know how that is when you need help, and they dont show up. Everyone always has a excuse.. Good luck..