Ford Repair: Ford Crown Vic--Turn Signal Problem, ford crown vic, chinese water torture

I have a 1999 Crown Vic with 150,000 miles and up until this point I have had great luck with the car. I'm not a car expert, so bear with me.

For some reason, the turn signal (JUST the clicking sound, NOT the light) will start clicking for no apparent reason. I don't touch the turn signal or the hazard lights--it just starts clicking on its own. The clicking sound is usually quicker than the normal turn signal (i.e. click,click,click as opposed to of the turn signal) and the clicking is sporadic.

There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when this things starts going off--but let me tell you, when it does it makes the 45 minute commute a living hell--kinda like a variation of chinese water torture. The sound is coming from the little black box--the "Lighting Control Module" (LCM) which I took out and replaced myself last fall. Since then, I haven't had any trouble with it until yesterday, so I wondered if something electrical like this could be messed with because of the heat (I live in Indiana).

Wouldn't you know it, but every time I have taken the car to the mechanic, the clicking noise will stop.

Any suggestions or help would be great!


Mr. Wrangler,

First let me start by saying that the clicking noise would drive me crazy also, so you have my empathy.

You either have a bad ground in the blinker system or under the dash near your fuses you should see a round silver flasher ( a sort of a fuse), which is probably bad. If neither of thses things is the problem, I am sorry to say that your LCM is probably bad. Also check for loose wires by your LCM as well as for any bad or loose connections. Hope that this helps and if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck.
