Ford Repair: 95 ford contour, coolant temperature switch, backyard mechanic

I am having trouble with my cooling fan I have tried to change motor to the fan and a new censor and still cannot get it to work. So for now Ive had to hook it up to a switch that turns it on and off so when it get hot i just switch it on


You say that you tried to change the motor and the sensor but did you actually change them out for new?

When your fan fails to come on like it should, one of the first things to check is the integrated relay control assembly's 24 wire electrical connector. If it is loose, it can cause an open circut between the fan motor, the coolant temperature switch and the computer. This is beyonmd the scope of a backyard mechanic and will require that you take your vehicle to a reputable repair shop to have it fixed.

If you require instructions on how to change the fan motor, please do not hesitate to contact me and I would be happy to assist you. If not, I would recommend that you take your vehicle to Advanced Auto or Auto Zone and have them put a scan tool on your vehicle to verify that this is indeed the problem before you take it to a reputable repair shop (the do this service for free, a $100 dollar savings to you).

Hope that this helps and if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
