QuestionHi Erik
Problem: My 6Cyl.'66 Ford Mustage is missing so I pulled the spark plugs and low and behold I found LOTS OF OIL ON 'EM.
I cleaned-up the oil and the car ran great of course the problem came back.
I'm not to familiar with auto repair but I very good at directions.
Friend of mine says I should have a compression test done on all cyclinders first ?
Thank you Erik
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
It is very possible that you need a valve job and a ring job, especially with the age of the engine. To perform a compression test you will need to do a Wet and Dry compression test to verify your condition.
First get a compression test unit, you can rent one from a local store. Remove ALL spark plugs. Block the choke wide open. Dissconnect and block the fuel supply hose from the tank to the pump, and pump to the carb. Disconnect that ignition coil electrical supply as well. Make sure the battery is fully charged. Having a remote starter button is always good, or a helper.
Next, get a peice of paper and wrtie the cylinder numbers down 1,2,3,4,5,6 and then have a column named Wet and on named Dry.
Install the gage in the first cylinder and crank the egnine over. You will see the gage needle bounce 3 or 4 times. This is normal. Write this # down. Do this for all the cylinders. This is the Dry portion of the test.
Next you will need a oil squirt can. You are going to squirt oil, about 2-4 shots, in to the cylinder that you are testing. Start at # 1 and work your way around. Wirte the numers that you get in the Wet section on the paper. You will notice that the reading are higher.
The difference should not be more than 10% between the high and the low cylinder.
Hope this helps,