Ford Repair: 94 Aspire fr. wheel bearing, metal shavings, auto parts dealer
I recently acquired the '94 Aspire I bought my daughter to drive to college. When I got it the rt. front wheel bearing was fried. I took the hub to a local reputable auto parts dealer with a machine shop. They pressed in new bearings for me. Within a week a terrible grinding noise was coming from the hub, the seal had moved out about 1/8", the grease had spewed everywhere, and there are metal shavings all over inside the seal. The bearings are obviously destroyed.
I just removed the hub again to return to the shop to discuss this. I'm curious if there are pitfalls to doing these bearings that they may not have known about?
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
There aren't any pit falls that I know's pretty stright forward. One of two things happened..........a defective part is one and the other is installer error.
Hope this helps,