Ford Repair: 1997 Ford Contour, interference engine, ford contour
QuestionHi Erik, My friends car just broke down at my house and the mechanic asked us if it is a interference or non interference engine. It is a 1997 Ford Contour, 2.0L, manual transmission. This timing belt is loose, but doesn't look broken, and the car turns over but will not start. Is there any way that we can tell what the engine type is?
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
Before going nuts on if it's a interference engine or not.......I would check a few things......Check for spark. Remove one of the spark plugs and place a screw driver in it. Then place the screw driver near a metal part of the engine. DO NOT hold the screw driver when doing this next step..........try to start the engine. If you see spark jumping from the screw driver to the metal part of the engine......your starting problem isn't ignition. Next, check for fuel pressure. On the fuel rail there should be a valve that has a black cap on it. Be careful when doing this. Depress the center of the valve and have a helper turn the key on.......if fuel shoots out, your starting problem isn't fuel related.
Do these two things and let me know how it works out,