Ford Repair: Senors, mass air flow, high mileage

I have a 1994 Ford Ranger XLT 4 cyl 2.3 high mileage.
This pickup runs just fine in the winter or colder months i mean like a clock.
Now when it warms up and gets real hot ouside this is where i have a problem.
If i park it out in the sun and i come back later like at the end of the day it will start but will not rev-up or go it stalls out,but will always restart. So if i leave it set until after sundown and things cool off it will start and go.
Will also do this after engine heat builds up under the hood.
We have used decoders. ( nothing)
This has to be a sensor because it runs so good when it's cold.
Would or could the Mass Air Flow be causing this?
Or what sensor would be effected by heat.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 Several sensors can have an affect on engine performance. What I would do is recheck for fault codes........engine running and engine off. IF it is a will show up as a fault and you can test it and go from there.  I would suggest that you check it right WHEN the problem happens..........don't wait. I would also check the fuel pressure and tune up condition of the engine.
Hope this helps,