Ford Repair: 1966 Fairlane steering, two half moons, pitman arm

I have a 1966 ford fairlane 6 cyl with power assist steering- there is alot of play where the pitman arm and the drag link connect- an old timer I know says it was a common problem and he used to fix it for about $10- he doesn't know the name of the parts I need, just called them "two half moons and a spring" said the spring is broken, I can't find anything like this in any catalogue. Do you know what he's talking about and if so, what parts I need to buy?

Mr. Hazel,

I have heard of what you are talking about. Unfortunately you can not buy those parts. You will need to go to NPD ( and order a rebuild kit for the pitman arm seal as well as order a new drag link from them. Hope that this helps and if you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck.
