Ford Repair: Ford Probe Headlights Will not illuminate, headlight illumination, headlight doors

Hi Erik,

Man, I hope you can help or point me in the right direction.  I have a 1989 Ford Probe.  The headlight doors pop open when the switch is pressed and the other exterior lights illuminate, but I have no headlight illumination.  I also noted that the dimmer switch doesn't do that flash to pass thing anymore.  These failures seem to have occurred at the same time.  I checked the only fuse I could find labeled "HEAD".  It looks good.  I am looking at the wiring diagram in my Haynes manual, and it looks like it could be the dimmer relay or the headlamp relay, but I don't know where they are to check them.  Do you know where these relays are located?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Buck Tilford
[email protected]

Hello and thanks for the question... I'll try to help.
 What I would suggest you do is check for power at the head lamp connections first. It could be that the bulbs are bad? Next, I would check for power at the switch, and since the switch isn't working in the flash to pass mode ( that would my place to start)-------replace it.
Hope this helps,