Ford Repair: Problem with 95 F-150 starting, cam shaft, distributor cap
Question1995 F-150 4.9 6
New starter, new plugs, new distributor and rotor. No fire to the plugs. The control module tested fine. How can I test to see if the distributor cap and rotor are working and firing? How can I test the pick-up coil and the ignition coil? Thanks Clint
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
First I would check to make sure that the cam shaft isn't snapped. Remove the dist cap and have a helper crank the engine over. If the rotor doesn't move, you have internal engine problems (broken cam shaft..broken dist gear) If it does move, then test out the components of the system. On the E-coil, remove the connector and check for 12v. Only one side of the connector will have power, the other side is the trigger side. Then, hook it back up to the coil, and check that you have voltage on both sides of the connector. Hope this helps,