Ford Repair: Brake-shift interlock, celenoid, test light

I own a 99 FORD Escort Sedan and currently I need to have a screwdriver inserted into my shift-lock overdrive  opening in order for my vehicle to be able to change the gearshift.  All fuses are working fine and I have tried to press the brake and then change the gears, this worked for awhile and then it did not work anymore.  It seems like it is the small celenoid in the box.  Do you happen to know how it is acctually called or if you have a specific part number it would be great.  I am stationed overseas and it is diffuclt to gets parts where I am.  Thank you vcery much for your assistance.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 I would like to know if your brake lights are functional when you step on the brake pedal? If they are not, then your problem lies with in the brake pedal switch, not interlock shift solenoid. Have a friend check them while the brake is applied. If they don't work, check the pedal switch, which is locate on the pedal, under the dash. Also check the wires that lead to it......make sure they are not broken. If they do work, I would re-check ALL of the fuses, interior and engine bay compartment location. Do this with a 12v test light, not just by looking at them and assuming that they are good. If all of the fuses are good, check for power going to the interlock solenoid, when the brake is applied. There should be power at one of the wires at the solenoid. I there is, replace the solenoid.
Hope this helps,