Ford Repair: 1995 Ford Taurus, vehicle speed sensor, ford taurus

I have a 95 Ford taurus and have some questions about it. First, the speedometer jumps around wildly.. is this a cable that needs to be replaced or something else. Also The power locks only lock the doors there is no response when I attempt to get them to unlock the doors. There is a similar problem with the passanger side window, it engages to go up but when you try to lower it nothing happens. Any suggestions would be most appreciated.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 Your speedometer is controlled by the VSS (Vehicle Speed Sensor). This is located on the right (passenger) side of the vehicle, on the end of the transmission housing. You should bring it to a garage to have it checked and or replaced.
As far as your power locks and windows go.........
I would suggest that you check the wiring harness that goes from the body of the car to the drivers door. The wires in there are the ones that get stretched and broken most often, being that this is the most used door of the vehicle. Grab the haress and move it around and try the locks and might be able to locat the problem this way.
Hope this helps,