Ford Repair: 87 ford Bronco II 2.9 L. Can,t..., ford bronco ii, side kick panel
Question87 ford Bronco II 2.9 L. Can,t get it running the fuel pump isn,t coming on . I dropped the gas tank and took out the fuel pump hooked it to the battery and it ran. Does this mean the fuel pump is good? Tried a new relay and nothing.Had the module and coil checked they are good.
AnswerI would check the connection at the inertia (fuel cut-off) switch, it was common for older Rangers to be towed in with the connectors to be unplugged from the switch. The switch should be in the passenger side kick panel. The fuel pump could operate when removed and connected to a power source, but not be able to supply necessary fuel pressure when installed in the system. Check for power at the fuel pump, if there is none, trace the wire back to the inertia switch, and back to the fuel pump relay if necessary. If you have power throughout the system, and the fuel pump doesn't operate, or operates but lacks pressure, the fuel pump is bad and should be replaced.
I hope this helps,