Ford Repair: shifting problems, e4od, transmission shop
QuestionI have a 92 Econoline 150 that upshifts early from 2nd to 3rd, like turning a corner at a light. Seems like it should stay in 2nd longer. Could this be a vacuum modulator? Also no 2nd gear override on gear shift "P,R,D,D,1", strange.
AnswerHello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
I believe that the transmission in the truck is an E4OD, and does not have a vac. modulator. everything is electronic controlled. Besides, the vac. modulator would be constant, effecting all of the shifts, not just the 2-3 shift. I would suggest that you bring it to a transmission shop or the dealership for a road test and computer look over...... They will better be able to help you with a diagnosis.
Hope this helps,