Ford Repair: 95 Tarus Interior Lights, light dimmer switch, door latch

I have a 95 Tarus GL with the 3.0L engine.  The convenience lights started coming on not when the door opened, which would be normal, but when the car is started.  The lights stay on the whole time the engine is running.  The lights eventually turn off after I leave the car, I'm not sure how long after the engine is off though.  I went to the local parts store and the guy there suggested replacing the relay he thought would be the most appropriate.  I've seen central relay boxes in other cars but have been unable to find it in this car.  Because I don't know where the rely is, I cannot replace the part I got from the part store.  If you think the relay is the problem, do you know where it might be on the car?  If you have any other suggestions, that would be great.  Just to let you know, the interior light dimmer switch is not set to have the interior lights on.  Everyone I have talked to inquired about that.  Your help/expertise is really appreciated.

Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
 I wouldn't say that the relay is usually the problem. Typically, I've seen the door ajar switch going bad more so then anything else. It is either located on the pillar of the door or in the door latch asymbly. What I would suggest is that you bring the car to the dealership and have them take a look at it. There is also another thing that is called a GEM (Generic Electronic Module)....that is what can control that function as well.
Hope this helps,