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i have a 1993 ford E150 conversion van it has no acceleration or the power to climb hills,,ive chaged wires,plugs, cap rotor and timings ok, when i finally get it up to speed it does ok its just getting there thats the problem,,,help im scratching my head on this one . It starts and idles fine
Answer -
Hello and thanks for the question...I'll try to help.
Does the check engine light ever come on and stay on? Is the flow out of the exhaust Ok? Have you checked fuel pressure or changed the fuel filter and air filter? Have you checked the transmission fluid condition and level? Also, which engine is in it? 5.0,5.8,4.9?
Hi Erik,
It is a 5.0, no engine light at all, not sure about flow on exhaust how would I check that? Fuel Filter was recently done. And trans fluid is up to level and dont look burnt at all.
AnswerHello and thanks for getting back to me...I'll try to Help.
I notice that you said the fuel filter has recently been changed......what about the pressure? I would check that. You can get a fuel pressure gage from a local parts store. You'll need to make sure it is for fuel injection, not a carb, they are different. The pressure for a fuel injected vehilce, should be around 42psi and just to about 60 or over when the modulator vac line is disconnected.
As far as the exhaust flow, you'll need an assistant. Have them start the vehilce, while you are at the tail pipe. Put your hand in front of the pipe and feel the exhaust. Then have your friend put it in gear, apply the brake, and put it in gear. Does the exhaust seem to dissipate? Does it change drammatically? If it does you might have a clogged exhaust. Another way you can check it is to attatch your vac. gage. What is the needle doing? At idle, part throttle, full throttle ( a quick snap), in gear?
If you can do this and get back to me, I'll see what I can do to lead you to a correct diagnosis.
Hope this helps,