Ford Repair: Failing AXOD/E transmission, torque converter clutch, excessive torque
QuestionI had asked this question of the Lincoln repair expert, but he indicated that it was outside his area of expertise. I thought to ask it of you since I know that this transmission was also used in Taurus and Sable models.
I have a '93 Continental 3.8L V6 with the infamous AXOD/E transmission. It is currently in the process of failing (the diag code is for excessive torque converter clutch slippage). I'm looking to replace the transmission myself without spending $1200 for a remanufactured transmission, so I want to get a junkyard transmission to put in it. I'd like to use a newer transmission to replace it with, one that has the factory defects corrected (the oil tube problem, the cracked servo piston, etc). I found a '98 Windstar with an AXOD/E, but apparently the bell housings are different. What year/models can I look at to try and find a newer AXOD/E that will fit the '93 Continental? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!
The closest you may come is a 95 windstar/taurus with a 3.8l
V6, but I cannot say for sure. In my line of work, as it probably is with the Lincoln technician, we are only able to replace parts with those designed for the year/model in queation.