Ford Repair: 1996 ford tarus cam positoningsensor shaft, camshaft position sensor, 1996 ford tarus

the cap on shaft broke went to junk yard got oneeverthing was tight no slopput it in and broke the new cap installed it the way you do distributor well when it broke it chewed off the whole top so have no reference point to install new one they say there is tool but expensive same as shaft 160 dollars plus cap dont know any body with tool got another shaft at junk yard with cap for 10 dollars no slop in it up or down but didnt want it to break also need to know ho to get reference point to install old one the whole top is gone and why was it breaking cap been still driving car has little hesation an service engine soon light is on well thank you greg ford tarus 3.0 1996

It is very important that the Camshaft Position Sensor be installed correctly.  If is not properly aligned, this will result in the fuel system being out of time with the engine, possibly causing engine damage.  The Dealer has a Syncro Positioning Tool T95T-12200-A.  They might loan it to you if you leave a deposit, otherwise I would take the vehicle in and have it serviced.

I hope this helps,