Ford Repair: 1996 Ford Explorer Sport Turn Signals, ford explorer sport, emergency flashers
QuestionI have a 1996 Ford Explorer Sport, 4.0L V6 & both the turn signals have stopped working. The fuse is good. The hazard lights still work. The bulbs are good. Is there a flasher stat or relay that can be changed? If so, where is it located? The owners manual doesn't give any information beyond changing the fuse. Thank you, Tim
AnswerThe turn signals and hazard lights share an electronic flasher unit. The flasher unit is under the drivers side of the dash, pluged into a five wire connector. You could start by testing this, you shoud get a pulsed output from the light blue wire when a turn signal is on. If this tests good, I would guess that the multi-function switch is bad. The Multi-function switch is the stalk that controls the turn signals and emergency flashers, as well as the wipers, washers, hi-beams, and flash-to-pass feature.
I hope this helps,