Ford Repair: Taurus Transmission, transmission filter, transmission specialist

Dear Expert,

I own a 1995 Taurus with an automatic 3.0 liter engine.   I am having problems with a hard shift downwards at about 30mph when the car decellerates.   I took the car to a transmission specialist who said there was nothing wrong with my car that a good tune up wouldn't fix.   Can this type of problem be caused by a poorly tuned up car?   Also, is it possible that a clogged transmission filter could be the problem?

Thanks for your help,


Odds are that the transmission concern would not be caused by a poorly tuned vehicle.  A clogged transmission filter is possibly to blame, but more likely there are some internal issues, possibly with a leaking apply piston or sticking valve in the valve body.  Inspection and diagnosis would be required to find a true diagnosis.
