Ford Repair: Engine, Cylender head, head swaps, ford motors

1999 ford F150
spark plug hole striped out bad...
I need to change the head out. I know about engines, but not this one. It's a 5,4L Trident V8, alluminum head. What kind of job is it?
Thanks Rich


  The overhead cam Ford motors are an incredible pain to do head swaps/removals on.  First of all, the disassembly is fairly lengthy as is the reassembly and tuning.  You'll also need a "head installation kit" from Ford that runs a bit over $100 if memory serves me right.  If you've got a weekend to kill and some good tools, you could probably pull it off with a good manual...otherwise I'd leave it to a shop.  It'd take them 4-6 hours tops.  Hope this helps.
