Ford Repair: Ford Explorer Question, louiseville kentucky, explorer question

I've got a question about a Ford Explorer from 1998(made in Louiseville Kentucky). It't an orange lamp that sometimes is on. Usually when climbing hills and descending. It's a round sign close to the 4X4 low sign. I don't know what the sign is. I will describe it: it's a small car with the bold track under the back wheel. Then, the whole sign is crossed by a bar. The light isn't always on. Could you help me with this? If you know what it is please tell me what to do with it!
Thanks a lot!


Was this explorer sold in the united states.  Per the manual for the U.S. version there is no listing of the lamp you describe, the only other lamps in that area of the instrument panel are the 4x4 high, 4x4 low, and speed control on indicators.  
