Ford Repair: Decoding Ford Cylinder Heads, combustion chambers, decade 7

Steve, You were very helpful.  As a followup, have I given you enough info to tell what engine the heads were designed for?  They were represented to me as being 351W heads.  I found some info yesterday to suggest they may be LTD II heads, but I have no way of determining what engine they came from.  I plan to use them on a 67 Mustang 289-4v.  Thanks, Dave.

Followup To
Question -
Steve, I acquired a set of Ford cylinder heads that I haven't been able to decode.  Could you help?  The casting numbers on the bottom of the heads read:  D70E DC and on the inside: 6L24
Thanks, Dave Goff
Answer -

  As far as I can tell, the heads are for a '77 model Fairlane or Torino.  They could have come from another car line, but their original design was for one of those two models.  The "D" is the decade code...D=1970.  The "7" is the year in that decade...7=1977.  The "O" is the model line it was produced for...O=Fairlane & Torino.  Finally the "E" is for the parts group that the part will go to...E=engine.  As for the second's just a date code.  By my best guess the heads were made on December 24th, 1976 for the '77 model year.  That one I'm not too positive about, but I feel pretty sure about it.  Hope this helps.



  Ok...a little more digging has me thinking they're actually 302 heads.  What's worse...low compression 302 heads.  I traced the number D7OE-DA (too similar to be a different part) to heads used on 302s between 1977-1984 which used 69cc combustion chambers producing a compression ratio of between 8.2:1 and 8.3:1 and producing 139hp in '77.  This would have been right in the middle of the oil embargo, so things like cam design would have been weak too, but a 69cc combustion chamber is huge and will hurt performance.  By any stretch of the imagination these are not performance heads. 1967 4V heads used combustion chamber volumes of around 52-55ccs so by using 69cc heads you will lower your compression ratio (which was originally 10.0:1) by at least a full point.  If you raise the compression by 1 point you'll see a general increase of 4% in power.  Lowering it will have the same effect.  That's about as much I can tell from the literature I've got on hand.  Hope this helps.
