Ford Repair: Tie rod problem, outer tie rods, inner tie rod
QuestionWhen I went and got a new set of tires the guys at the shop said I had loose tie rods that should be replaced. I don't think I'll have too hard of a time replacing them, but how do I know if I need the inner tie rod or the outer tie rod? Until recently I didn't know there was an inner and outer rod. Should I just replace both? Also, should I replace them on both sides or how can I check and see which side needs to be replaced and which might not? And on a separate note, when I start my car when it is cold out I consistentely get the sound of a sqeaking belt that sounds like it's on the passanger side of the engine. What might be causing this, and how can I tighten the belt that might be causing the problem? PS - My car is a 1994 Probe SE - 4 cylinder (2.0)
AnswerYou will have to get under the vehicle and move the wheels side-to-side while watching and feeling the inner and outer tie rods for play. This may be a little difficult without a hoist. Outers are generally easy to change, but inners sometimes require special tools and some experience. I only recommend replacing the bad parts, unless the other parts are in marginal condition.
The belts may be tightened at the Power Steering Pump adjuster bolt and the Alternator upper mounting bolt, but it may be time to replace them.
I hope this helps,