QuestionI own a 1991 Ford Thunderbird with a 3.8 engine. This car has 110,000 miles on it.
On a general tune-up, changing the plugs, cap, and rotor. Is there anything else that I should change or be aware of to enhance the engines performance?
Also, what does a general tune-up consist of, on this engine?
Thank you very much, Mike.
AnswerThat is it for a Tune-up. Changing the Spark Plugs, Distributor Cap, and Rotor. I would also change the Fuel Filter, Air Filter (if dirty), and clean the Fuel Injectors. Changing the Spark Plugs and cleaning the Fuel Injectors will make the biggest difference in engine performance. I highly recommend "Pressure Cleaning" instead of adding cleaners to your fuel tank. Pressure cleaning fuel injectors involves feeding solvent under pressure into the injector fuel rail service port while turning off the fuel supply. The engine runs on this concentrated solvent for about 20 minutes. While the cleaner passes through the fuel rail and injectors, it loosens and washes away the accumulated varnish deposits. I have found the results are usually great, and make a noticeable difference in engine responsiveness, power, and idle quality.
I hope this helps,