Ford Repair: 72 Mustang headlights, anyone else having this problem, bare wire
QuestionMy headlights on my mustang blink on and off after I run them awhile. I replaced the headlight swich as well as the dimmer switch. I figured it was in my light switch but oviously it wasn't it aparrently must be in my wiring.I was just wondering if you have ever heard of anyone else having this problem and how they may fix it without replacing the whole wiring harness.I also thought it might be in my plug that goes to the light switch so I cut it off and changed the ends. I believe it must be a short some where because the main hot wire that runs to the switch heats up real hot.
AnswerMr. Evans,
If your main wire is getting hot, you definitely have a frayed or broken wire. Check the wires at the switch and at the head lights, following them all the way up if necessary. You either have a bare wire touching metal or one is frayed in the insulation that you can not see. once you find it you need to replace it immediately. This is you r only other alternative to replacing the wiring harness. If you need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck.