Ford Repair: Ford Mustang Headers, back issues of magazines, muscle mustangs
QuestionI am a part time teacher with an auto mechanics class. I have a student that wants to replace the headers on his 2002 mustang GT with performance headers. I would like to know the steps to doing this. Maybe you have some pictures and some helpful tips. I have never done a job like this before. Please help! Thanks.
All of the 4.6L Mustangs are a bit tricky when swapping headers. Usually the driver's side out from the top (though you may have to unbolt the steering shaft), but the passenger's side header usually has to come out from underneath which is an absolute pain. If you look around online or know someone with some back issues of magazines like Muscle Mustangs & Fast Ford or 5.0 Mustang, you can probably find a good step-by-step article with pictures. Hope this helps.