QuestionI would like to know the procedure for replacing upper and lower ball joints on a 1966 Mustang. I may need to do this soon, and I want to do it safely.
AnswerMr. Curry,
Let me apologize for the delay in responding to your question. I had major computer problems.
To remove your upper and lower ball joints safely:
Position a support between the upper arm and the side rail and raise the front of the car and support it on jack stands, remove your wheel. Disconnect the stabilizer bar and the strut from the lower arm then remove the cotter pin from the nut on the lower ball joint stud, loosen the nut 1 or 2 turns but DO NOT remove it at this stage, Straighten the cotter pin on the upper ball joint stud nut, position a ball joint remover tool between the upper and lower ball joint studs, making sure that the tool is seated on the ends of the studs and not on the nuts. Turn the tool with a wrench until the studs are under considerable pressure then strike the spindle, near the lower stud-a sharp blow with a hammer to break the stud loose from the spindle. DO NOT free the stud with tool pressure only. Remove the n ut from the lower ball joint stud and the lower arm, remove the lower arm to underbody pivot bolt and lift it out of the lower arm, examine the arm and ball joint for wear, renewing the arm if necessary as a complete unit- DO NOT install new ball joints on a used suspension arm. Installation is the reverse of removal.
For the upper ball joint: remove the shock absorber lower attaching nuts and then undo the attaching nuts and remove the shock absorber and upper mounting bracket as an assembly. Install a spring compressor tool and compress the spring and position a jack or other suitable support under the lower arm. Loosen the upper ball joint stud in the spindle then remove the nut from the upper ball joint stud and lift the stud out of the spindle. Remove the upper arm inner shaft attaching nuts from inside the engine compartment and lift out the upper arm and examine the arm for damage and the ball joint for wear. DO NOT wash the ball joint in grease solvent. Renew the arm if necessary as a complete unit-DO NOT install new ball joints on a used arm. Installation is the reverse of removal.
Tighten the lower ball joint stud nut and lower arm to underbody pivot bolt nut and the upper ball joint stud nut and the upper arm inner shaft nuts to the specified torque.
Hope this helps. For more information, go to a local abuto parts store or a well stocked book store and order a Haynes Auto repair manula for the year, model and make of your car, Good luck.