Ford Repair: Electrical, Ford Taurus 1998 3.0 automatic, ford taurus, gauge cluster

My battery was not keeping charge so I figured that the battery was old and I needed a new one.  But when I was replacing it I put the battery in the same way the old one used to sit not noticing the posts and when I went to connect it the horn stated beeping and a few small sparks flew.  I reali z e d hwat I had done so I turned the battery arround and connected it properly.  As I was driving I noticed my battery light was on and that my radio was not working.  I went to a shop and they checked my alternator and told me it was bad.  They said the battery was not being recharged.  I came home and changed the alternator but I still have the same problem, radio does not work, battery light is still on.  I took the alternator and had it tested and it passed. I have tried to check my fuses but the ones I have checked under the dashboard seem to be good.  Could I have blown something when I tried to connect the battery and crossed the cables?  Is there something I can check to see what is going on ?
Thank you,

When the battery was connected backwards, it may have done some serious damage.  "Sparks flying" indicates a large current draw. There also are several sensitive modules (computers) in this vehicle including the gauge cluster that could have shorted out internally.  I would start by checking for melted wires, connectors, and relays.  It may take someone with extensive electrical experience and complete wiring diagrams to repair this vehicle.  I would highly recommend taking the vehicle to a Dealer for service.

I hope this helps,