Ford Repair: Ford Fiesta fuel problem, ford fiesta, fuel gauge
I am sure you will find this an easy question.
I have a 1991 Fiesta 1.4
Today my wife was driving the car on a very short run; the engine began faltering and it cut out a few times.
My wife tells me that the fuel gauge was acting strangely also; it dropped when the faltering was occuring and then rose again when the engine ran correctly! She put fuel in the tank only a few days ago, so there is plenty of fuel available.
It seems to me to be a fuel blockage somewhere but I dont know the car well enough to know where to look (MY main vehicl is a Land Rover and I know that pretty well).
Does the Fiesta have a fuel filter and could this require cleaning or replacing?
I am looking forward to any suggestions that you have.
Yes, you have a plugged fuel filter and/or fuel line on your wife's Fiesta. I would also suggest that your wife may want to steer clear of where she last bought fuel for a while as she may have gotten a bad batch of gasoline that contributed to this problem. Good luck.