Ford Repair: Interior/ dash, speedometer cable, wiring connector
QuestionAre there any tricks to removing and replacing a dash and bezels in a '68 coupe? any thing I should watch out for?
It is not difficult but you do need to be careful that you do not break it. Remove the instrument panel pad assembly. Then remove the heater control attaching screws and withdraw the control assembly, disconnet the speedometer cable from the speedometer head and disconnect the cigar lighter wiring connector, undo the ashtray attaching screws and remove the ashtray. Working through the ashtray opening, undo the nut attaching the instrument cluster to the panel then remove the 7 attaching screws and withdraw the cluster forward, disconnect the 2 multi-connectors and remove the instrument cluster. Installing the instrument cluster is the reverse of the removal procedure. Hope that this helps and good luck.