Ford Repair: 1971 Mustang Troubleshooting, automotive repair shop, fuel gauge
QuestionI have a 1971 Mustang that has not been driven in quite some time. I recently removed the battery and had it charged. The car starts right up but the gas guage reads empty. I went to have gas put in and the attendant said he could only get $3 worth in. Not being sure if he had the nozzle in properly I tried to add gas from a can and it spilled back out. How do I repair/replace the guage or should I just go to a repair shop (I know almost nothing about cars)?
First let me tell you that the job you are looking at doing requires that you drop the gas tank, which will have to be empty...As you have stated that you have next to no experience working or knowledge of cars, I would highly recommend that you take your beloved pony to a reputable automotive repair shop and let them replace your fuel gauge. You will also need to replace the sending unit, too. This job will run you in the vicinity of 100 bucks part and labor. Good luck.