Ford Repair: fuel and intake, schraeder valve, filter package
QuestionI have a 94 lightning, where is the switch to shut off fuel pressure so I can change the fuel filter, also do you think a k and n filter package is a good investment for my truck? Thank you for your time. Steve
The isn't a switch, actually. There's a small valve on your fuel rail (the long metal log looking thing over your injectors) called a schraeder valve. It works on the same principle as a tire valve (also a Schraeder valve) but this one is loosened with a wrench. Just remember to put a rag or something of the like over it so gas doesn't get all over the engine. That will relieve the fuel system pressure. As for the K&N filter package, it certainly won't hurt, just don't expect to get a huge difference. Lightnings have a lot of hidden potential so I'm guessing you'd see maybe a 10-15hp gain. Perhaps 20hp if you're lucky. Remember...early Lightnings used Ford's marine application 351. Swap in a new cam and intake...maybe some good heads and that thing will run like a scalded dog. Hope this helps.