Ford Repair: Fuel additive in engine oil, lincoln mark viii, fuel system treatment


I actually own a 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII; however, there does not seem to be a volunteer expert for Lincolns at, so I thought I would try you.  My automotive concern is not necessarily related to Lincolns anyways, but to car care in general.

I made a mistake and accidentally poured 350ml of fuel additive (fuel system treatment to clean injectors, etc...) to my ENGINE OIL!

I drove it all of 12KM (7.5 miles) to the nearest Mr. Lube and had the engine oil drained and a new oil filter put on.

Do I have anything to worry about?

Any thoughts/recommendations/insights you may have into the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

[email protected]


  I honestly don't think you've got anything to worry about thanks to your quick action in taking it to get an oil change right away.  I'd just keep a good eye on the engine's performance for now and get another oil change sooner than you usually would...maybe in another 500-1500 miles just to make sure that if there's any of the additive left that it's all flushed out.  Hope this helps.
