Ford Repair: cc heads, combustion chambers, push rods
Questionhi... I have a 65 mustang fatback with the original heads, and i have the oportunity to get the heads of a mustang 95 5.0L. the thing is that i dont know if this 95 heads have more cc than the 65 heads, and if they will fit well in my mustang, if they fit does i have to change the push rods...
thanks STEVE..
Yes, the '95 heads do feature larger combustion chambers than the '65 289 heads so you'll lose a bit of compression. They'll fit, but you'll have plug the emissions ports on the back of the head. As for the pushrods, my guess is you'll need a custom length set. Comp Cams sells a set of pushrod length checkers to make sure you get the right length. Hope this helps.