Ford Repair: 1993 Ford Taurus, ford taurus, taurus 3
In a recent question someone asked about removing the water pump on a 1993 Ford Taurus (3.8L). You said that the engine needed to be tilted to allow the pump clearance to be removed. How does one go about tilting the engine? I've puchased a Chilton's and it mentioned removing the front and rear engine mounting nuts and then jacking up the engine at the oil pan. I did and the entire car lifts with the engine. I can't seem to get the engine to tilt. Any thoughts??? I've got a tore down Taurus with a water pump hanging on.
You'll also have to disconnect the transmission from the rest of the car. Otherwise there's still a link between the engine and the chassis so it can't be tilted freely. Once everythnig is disconnected and supported, it should tilt pretty freely. Hope this helps.