Ford Repair: Suspension on a oldler car to be sold, ford service, ford dealership
QuestionWhat would you do if you had a 1995 Mark VIII on which you had replaced the air ride system for $800 and then when it still wasn't working. They told me I would need to replace the struts and springs which would cost $900? I want to sell the car, but no one will buy it in the condition it is in now; it won't rise up. I know Lincolns are not your thing, but this is more a general question about how to ready a car for selling. Do you know a cheaper route then allowing a Ford service to replace the suspension system?
I would replace the air ride system even if you weren't selling it. Lincolns are notorious for having air ride failures. The traditional spring/shock setup is the best way to go. As for getting it cheaper than a Ford dealership, I'd just shop around. I'm willing to bet just about any shop in your area could do the swap and probably cheaper. Hope this helps.