Ford Repair: Missfireing xri 1.6 Ford Escort, throtle position sensor, carbuerator
QuestionProbleme:When the car is getting worm it sometimes (not always)missfire when i give it gas,also the car don´t respond as it should when it happens.The car almost stalls.It´s around 2000rpm it missfires the most.I´ve replased the ditribuator cap,ignitioncables and sparkplugs. Also (sometimes) the idle is going upp and down between 600-1000rpm.
What can i do?
Sorry about my spellin(i´m from Sweden)
PS. Im not a girl(what i´ve herd Conny is a girls name in America)DS.
AnswerThe problem is either in your ignition system or your fuel system. A engine that is running way to rich will missfire and fire out of the air cleaner. Im sure that that is what is causing the problem because your idle you say is creeping around when it should be standing still. If your car is fuel injected, try replacing the throtle position sensor. If its carbuerated, replace the carbuerator. It may be that your timing is off or your distributors advance mechinism is malfunctioning, so check that with a timing light if you can. Infact, check the timing first before going any further.