Ford Repair: ford f-150 93 ext cab. / engine wont start, ford f 150, vacuum leak
QuestionHi Steve! I've got a ford f-150, '93 model with a 302 v8 that will turn over but will not start. It is getting gas and spark. It sounds like it wants to go sometimes but never does. Have checked all the obvious and have changed some parts. Just had fuel press. reg. changed not to long ago and it ran fine afterwards. Suspecting a vacuum leak but haven't found one yet. Any advice? Any at all will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Craig
A vacuum leak is certainly a possibility...but usually the engine would at least start and then just run like crap if it were a vacuum leak. I'd check the timing. If it's off far enough then the engine will stumble on start up or just flat out not start at all. Hope this helps.